Our Training Class Is Already At Capacity, But We’d Love To Add You To The Next One!

Lip Blush Training June

Class Availability:
Open Seats
June 26, 2024 9:00 AM
June 27, 2024 5:30 PM
Beau Institute
Our – 2-day, hands on Lip Blushing class will provide you the training and techniques to offer this new, in demand procedure to your clients. This procedure enhances the beauty of the natural lip color, improving the shape of the lips, while giving definition and the illusion of fullness. You will learn everything you need from pre & post-treatment consultation, machine & needle selection, color theory, technique, you will also learn how to avoid common mistakes.

- We provide you with models.
- All supplies needed during the class will be provided.
- You have our support throughout your career! We provide an open-door policy. Our Beau Alumni can observe classes in the future, free of charge.
- Come train with the Best!!

Please Note:
This is an Advanced Class. You must have completed a primary/fundamental permanent
makeup course to be eligible for this class.

Price: $2,500.00
To register for this class, please fill out the form below. A deposit of 50% is also required upon
registration. Please contact us at info@beauinstitute.com or 888.763.2328(local: 856-727-1411)
to complete this part of registration after you’ve submitted the form.
The tuition balance is due 2 weeks prior to the class start date.
Beau Institute | 1990 Route 70 West, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003

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