Sunday, June 12, 2022

Fight the winter blues by focusing on YOU!

Fight the winter blues by focusing on YOU!

Winter doldrums and complacency often set in following the holiday season. We shopped for family and friends, cooked and baked with great purpose and then comes the lull. The perfect way to avoid the lull is to put the focus back on YOU!!!

Are you in need of a touch-up on your permanent makeup? It may be time to fall in love, again, with your permanent eyebrows, fabulous non-smearing eyeliner or sensuous lips. Schedule your touch-ups and be ready for summer. Is there a new permanent makeup procedure you have been putting off? Do it now!

Does your face have residual damage from last summer’s sun exposure? This is the perfect time to schedule your skin care treatments, whether it is: IPL, Microdermabrasion or a serious peel to remove any telltale sun spots or hyperpigmentation. Photo-damage is accumulative, so don’t allow discolorations to build up or darken before seeing your aesthetician or doctor for removal. Start this summer with a clean, fresh face and a commitment to a daily sunscreen.

Well, I hope this reminded you how important you are and I will share something I learned a while back. When we don’t take care of ourselves, our cups feel empty. No one, not even our loving significant others or our children will come to us and saying you look a bit tired, you seem to do everything for everyone so I made you an appointment for your eyebrows to be touched up. It’s not happening! You will be considered fortunate if your significant other scheduled you a manicure. We must go off and fill our own cups and ultimately, I always find I have more to give when I have taken care of myself. Feel free to share how you are going to fill your cup with your beauty plans, this month, on our Facebook page. We will look forward to hearing from you.

Fight the winter blues by focusing on YOU!
June 12, 2022